How Do Gay Porn Stars Make Bottoming Look So Easy? Hung tops stick it in like a glute inject and the bottoms don't even flinch. What's their secret? And what can you learn from them so you can have ecstatic butt sex without any pain? Some of the answers will shock you. Learn porn star secrets to bottoming without pain and start making love with volcanic pleasure. Written by gay sex advice columnist Woody Miller and a team of urologists and colon-rectal specialists, this book combines porn industry secrets with innovative techniques from the latest gay male sex research. How We Got The Porn Industry's Secrets To Bottoming Without Pain. We sent a team of researchers to interview a truckload of gay male erotica industry folk-cameramen, scouts, producers, directors and performers. The result is a fascinating, behind-the-scenes, no-holds-barred look into the industry and the secrets they use to get performers to D.o. Gay Porn without pain or messy scenes. The main sections: 1: What You Can Learn From Porn Star Bottoms. A fascinating view of bottoming in the porn industry-how gay erotica performers prepare for a shoot, how they can take huge tops without any pain even if it's their first time and how they stay loose despite day-long shoots. If you ever had a question about how the porn industry works, this is the place to find answers-from how much money porn stars make to what percent are heterosexual shocking! In this chapter, we'll look at how "Anticipatory pain" and a perceived loss of masculinity can put your butt in a headlock. We'll show you how to resolve the emotional blocks that stop you from trying or enjoying D.o. Gay Porn sex with other gay men. From our urologist and colon-rectal experts who specialize in gay male sex: It isn't just your sphincter causing all that pain; it's your "S-curve" as well as involuntary puborectal contractions. Learn your anatomical structure so you can make the tips in this book work better. Not all do it, or need to, but the gay men in the sex industry that do swear by it. Find out whether you should use their controversial method. Find out the shocking things gay male erotica stars do to eliminate pain. Some cannot be recommended, but others can and we've combined them with a technique that blends systematic desensitization, pattern breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and sexual imagery to completely eliminate pain and heighten pleasure. Find out their secrets to getting your butt cleaner than a Brady Bunch rerun. Enemas and douches are a bad idea despite the porn industry's reliance on them. Find out why and what product doctors recommend that will get you as clean as a douche without any of the harmful side effects. Here you'll learn how to combine the best position with the best angle of entry. Straight in? Angled up? When it comes to gay sex, it matters. A beginner's real-time, step-by-step guide to bottoming-porn style! Learn How To Bottom Like A Porn Star With The Ultimate Guide To Gay Sex! Sie kennen Autor und Titel des Buches und finden es trotzdem nicht D.o. Gay Porn ZVAB? ISBN ISBN Verlag: Woodpecker Media, Softcover. Verwandte Artikel zu How to Bottom Like a Porn Star. Woody, Miller How to Bottom Like a Porn Star. ISBN How to Bottom Like a Porn Star. Woody, Miller. ISBN X ISBN Verlag: Woodpecker Media Verlag Woodpecker Media Erscheinungsdatum ISBN 10 X ISBN 13 Einband Tapa blanda Sprache Englisch Anzahl der Seiten Kaufgesuch aufgeben. Weitere beliebte Ausgaben desselben Titels.
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How to Bottom Like a Porn Star. the Guide to Gay Anal Sex. - Woody, Miller: - ZVAB Song, 3 Min. 6 Sek. The Orr clan, and the stories about them, came about from a conversation online with someone about writing a pornographic encounter between his character. Gay Porn. Govno Poval. Do schwule Porno Videos | gay-bar-club.gayLearn porn star secrets to bottoming without pain and start making love with volcanic pleasure. Get to Know Us. Für mehr Information, besuche die Beitragsbibel. Erneut versenden. Tailored video suggestions.
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Curiously, there is a disproportionate percentage of men working in gay porn who identify as straight. Song, 3 Min. 6 Sek. The Orr clan, and the stories about them, came about from a conversation online with someone about writing a pornographic encounter between his character. Why would a straight man do gay porn? Gay Porn. Govno Poval. What motivates him. Porn sex. Gay, lesbian, trans, BDSM and suspense sex stories to make your fantas.The result is a fascinating, behind-the-scenes, no-holds-barred look into the industry and the secrets they use to get performers to bottom without pain or messy scenes. If you ever had a question about how the porn industry works, this is the place to find answers-from how much money porn stars make to what percent are heterosexual shocking! I was expecting something kinda flimsy and mostly for joke purposes. Report an issue with this product. We update our porn videos daily to ensure you always get the best quality sex movies. The pictures are well done. Es gibt keine Diskussionen für I'm a Porn Star: Gay 4 Pay. If you have a neighbor who constantly screams homophobic remarks then this notebook's cover will drive them up a wall! Review this product Share your thoughts with other customers. Top reviews from Belgium. Audible Hörbücher herunterladen. ZVAB Zentrales Verzeichnis Antiquarischer Bücher und mehr. Why might we be turned off if the man on screen looks, sounds, or behaves in a way that is identifiably queer? Curiously, there is a disproportionate percentage of men working in gay porn who identify as straight. Weitere Rezensionen ansehen. Aussies Do It Rangordnung 66 Sean Cody Rangordnung 13 Raging Stallion Rangordnung The pictures are well done. Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen. Polish boy with monster white cock fuck face step bro face and cum in mouth IgorTwinkBoyPL. Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. First thing I most say, this book is very thick and big, just what all us gay men like. En savoir plus sur le fonctionnement des avis clients sur Amazon. Von Al Parker bis Brent Corrigan, von Jeff Stryker bis Matthew Rush, von Lukas Ridgeston bis Pierre Fitch das sind die eigentlichen Stars, die uns zum Lächeln bringen, uns anmachen und unser Leben bereichern. Eine SMS mit deinem Code wurde geschickt an: An email with the verification code has been sent to: Use the 6 digit code sent to your two-factor authentication app. Zurück Du verlässt Pornhub. Problem beim Laden der Informationen Leider konnten wir die Bilder zur Produktsicherheit aufgrund eines Problems nicht anzeigen. Kundenrezension verfassen. Hübscher, passiver, unterwürfiger Schnuckel lutscht den Schwanz eines neugierigen heterosexuellen Ma Unpaisamas. Alle Professionell Selbst gemacht. How to Bottom Like a Porn Star. Some cannot be recommended, but others can and we've combined them with a technique that blends systematic desensitization, pattern breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and sexual imagery to completely eliminate pain and heighten pleasure. I'm A Porn Star: Gay 4 Pay. And what can you learn from them so you can have ecstatic butt sex without any pain? There is also some reading to be done about each person, which I still have to do is read and I may change my mind on what I have said here. There are 0 reviews and 0 ratings from Belgium.