Wegehaupt FJ, Buchalla W, Sener B, Attin T, Schmidlin PR. Cerium chloride reduces enamel lesion initiation and progression in vitro. Caries Res. Thurnheer T, Rohrer E, Belibasakis GN, Attin T, Schmidlin PR. Static biofilm removal around ultrasonic tips in vitro. Clin Oral Investig. Philipp A, Duncan W, Roos M, Hämmerle CH, Attin T, Schmidlin PR. Clin Oral Implants Res. Al-Jadaa A, Attin T, Peltomäki T, Schmidlin PR. Comparison of three in vitro implant leakage testing methods. ResearchgatePubMed. Patrick R. Professor Head Division of Periodontology. Contact: E-Mail: patrick. Affiliation: Clinic of Conservative and Preventive Dentistry. Clinical Specialisations. Research Interests. Selected publications. Publications in ZORA Zurich Open Repository and Archive. Züger, Marco; Mukkadam, Khaleed; Filippi, Andreas; Schmidlin, Patrick R Periodontal status after autologous tooth transplantation ATT of premolars and wisdom teeth. Swiss Dental Journal, 4 Janson, T M; Ramenzoni, L L; Hatz, C R; Schlagenhauf, U; Attin, T; Schmidlin, P R Limosilactobacillus reuteri supernatant attenuates inflammatory responses of human gingival fibroblasts to LPS but not to elevated glucose levels. Journal of Periodontal Research, 59 5 Afrashtehfar, Kelvin I; Stawarczyk, Bogna; Micovic Soldatovic, Danka; Schmidlin, Patrick R A proof of concept on implant-supported bilateral cantilever bridges: The T-Bridge approach. Swiss Dental Journal, 3 Franz, Jessica; Scheier, Thomas C; Aerni, Maja; Gubler, Andrea; Schreiber, Peter W; Brugger, Silvio Gay Doctor Hidden Cam Schmidlin, Patrick R Bacterial contamination of air and surfaces during dental procedures—An experimental pilot Gay Doctor Hidden Cam using Staphylococcus aureus. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 45 5 Schmidlin, Patrick R; Schmidlin, Tim M; Gubler, Andrea; Brändli, Stephan; Attin, Thomas Description of a new laboratory evaluation method of interdental brush abrasion as a clinical hazard. International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 22 2 Solderer, Alex; Widmer, Nicole; Gubler, Andrea; Fischer, Kai R; Hicklin, Stefan P; Schmidlin, Patrick R Properties of three collagen scaffolds in comparison with native connective tissue: an in-vitro study. International Journal of Implant Dentistry, 9 1 Chan, Hsun-Liang; Rodriguez Betancourt, Amanda; Liu, Chun Ching; Chiang, Yi-Chen; Schmidlin, Patrick R A conceptual review on reconstructive peri-implantitis therapy: Challenges and opportunities.
Twisters Action. Description of a new laboratory evaluation method of interdental brush abrasion as a clinical hazard. Sahrmann, Philipp; Schoen, Patrizia; Naenni, Nadja; Jung, Ronald; Attin, Thomas; Schmidlin, Patrick R Dounia und die Prinzessin von Aleppo Zeichentrick. Hypnose Komödie.
Transnationale Perspektiven auf Konversionsmaßnahmen
Bei starkem drücken beim koten fließt sperma. Paar fickt im urlaub fremde frau lesbisch. Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression conversion efforts (SOGIECE) aim to alter emotional desires towards heterosexuality and/or to create. Das Kino International wird derzeit umfassend saniert und bleibt für etwa zwei Jahre geschlossen. Gay. Schwarze gay ficken weißen gay ohne kondom.. Fédération Française d'Athlétisme.Kein Wort Drama. Solderer, A; de Boer, M; Wiedemeier, D B; Solderer, M; Liu, C C; Schmidlin, P R Organisiert und unterstützt von: Amt für Chancengleichheit, Stadt Heidelberg Institut für Religionswissenschaft, Universität Heidelberg Mosaik Deutschland e. Schmidlin, Patrick R; Sahrmann, Philipp In vitro evaluation of different protective techniques to reduce titanium particle contamination during implantoplasty. Die Fotografin Biopic. Sproesser, Oliver; Schmidlin, Patrick R; Uhrenbacher, Julia; Eichberger, Marlis; Roos, Malgorzata; Stawarczyk, Bogna Thurnheer T, Rohrer E, Belibasakis GN, Attin T, Schmidlin PR. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 70 6 Assessment of peri-implant defects at titanium and zirconium dioxide implants by means of periapical radiographs and cone beam computed tomography: An in-vitro examination. Current status and perspectives of mucogingival soft tissue measurement methods. Three-year evaluation of posterior vertical bite reconstruction using direct resin composite--a case series. Primary bone augmentation leads to equally stable marginal tissue conditions comparing the use of xenograft blocks infused with BMP-2 and autogenous bone blocks: A 3D analysis after 3 years. Polyspecies biofilm formation on implant surfaces with different surface characteristics. Sproesser, Oliver; Schmidlin, Patrick R; Uhrenbacher, Julia; Roos, Malgorzata; Gernet, Wolfgang; Stawarczyk, Bogna Direkte Restaurationstechnik im Seitenzahnbereich zur Versorgung von erosionsbedingtem Zahnhartsubstanzverlust. Züger, Marco; Mukkadam, Khaleed; Filippi, Andreas; Schmidlin, Patrick R Gingival epitheses: forgotten craft or technology with a future? Das Kino International ist nicht nur eines der bedeutendsten Berliner Kinos, es gehört darüber hinaus zu den architektonischen Kronjuwelen der wiedervereinten Stadt. Sealing smooth enamel surfaces with a newly devised adhesive patch: a radiochemical in vitro analysis. Das einstige Premierenhaus der DDR ist auch heute noch eines der wichtigsten Uraufführungskinos in Berlin. Dentistry Journal, 11 4 Magnolia Drama. Microbial Analysis of Saliva to Identify Oral Diseases Using a Point-of-Care Compatible qPCR Assay. Comparison of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Radiographs Using Clinically Relevant Parameters. Mitte Karl-Marx-Allee 33, Berlin. Thurnheer, Thomas; Rohrer, Elodie; Belibasakis, Georgios N; Attin, Thomas; Schmidlin, Patrick R She Said Best of Metabolic changes during periodontitis therapy assessed by real-time ambient mass spectrometry. RoboCop - Director's Cut Action. Polyetheretherketone-a suitable material for fixed dental prostheses?. Suitability of Secondary PEEK Telescopic Crowns on Zirconia Primary Crowns: The Influence of Fabrication Method and Taper.