Britische Schwulen- und Lesbenaktivisten helfen Bergarbeitern beim einjährigen Streik der Nationalen Bergarbeitergewerkschaft im Sommer Dai : I've had a lot of new experiences during this strike. Speaking in public, standing on a picket line, And now I'm in a gay bar. Jonathan : Well, if you don't like it, you can go home. Dai : As a matter of fact, I do like it. Dai : Beer's a bit expensive, mind. Dai : But, really, there's only one difference between this and a bar in South Wales. The women. They're a lot more feminine in here. Dai : What I'd really like to say to you tonight is thank you. If you're one of the people that's put money in these buckets, if you've supported LGSM, then thank you, because what you've given us is more than money. It's friendship. When you're in a battle against an Ben Schnetzer Gay Actor so much bigger, so much stronger than you, well, to find out you had a friend you never knew existed, well, that's the best feeling in the world. So, thank you. Alle Alle. Besetzung und Crew-Mitglieder Benutzerrezensionen Wissenswertes FAQ IMDbPro. Pride 6 1 Std. IHRE BEWERTUNG. Biography Comedy Drama History Romance. Regie Matthew Warchus. Stephen Beresford. Bill Nighy Imelda Staunton Dominic West. Siehe Produktionsinformationen bei IMDbPro. Videos Trailer International Trailer. Theatrical Trailer. Clip Fotos 55 Foto hinzufügen. Bill Nighy Cliff. Imelda Staunton Hefina. Dominic West Jonathan. Paddy Considine Dai Donovan. Ben Schnetzer Mark Ashton. Abram Rooney Young Guy. Jim McManus Old Man. George MacKay Joe Cooper. Monica Dolan Marion Cooper. Matthew Flynn Tony Cooper. Andrew Scott Gethin Roberts. Joe Gilgun Mike Jackson. Faye Marsay Steph Chambers.
Ansichten Lesen Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten Versionsgeschichte. Ausgewählte Rezension. Artios Awards , Der Film feierte seine Premiere bei den Internationalen Filmfestspielen von Cannes und gewann dort den Queer Palm Award. Dean Ashton Young Man. It's funny but very moving, with a perfect blend of "comedy" and seriousness because these were dark times, both for the miners and the gay community.
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Actors: Ben Schnetzer, George MacKay, Dominic West, Andrew Scott, Bill Nighy. 1 Leben und Karriere. Ben Schnetzer (* 8. Pride (Film) ; George MacKay: Joe Cooper; Ben Schnetzer: Mark Ashton · Paddy Considine: Dai Donovan; Faye Marsay: Steph Chambers; Bill Nighy: Cliff; Imelda. Ben Schnetzer (). Pride [IT Import] ; Language, Italian (Dolby Digital ) ; Actors, Ben Schnetzer, Abram Rooney, Jim McManus, George Mackay, Monica Dolan ; Aspect Ratio, -. Februar in New York City) ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler. Auf den Spuren von britischen Filmklassikern wie „Billy Elliot – I will dance“. Inhaltsverzeichnis.März An absolute must-see. Bill Nighy Imelda Staunton Dominic West. The slogan was first used in November and the advert was first shown in January Pride 6 1 Std. Namensräume Artikel Diskussion. They're a lot more feminine in here. Britische Schwulen- und Lesbenaktivisten helfen Bergarbeitern beim einjährigen Streik der Nationalen Bergarbeitergewerkschaft im Sommer Dai : I've had a lot of new experiences during this strike. David di Donatello , Januar [ 12 ]. Trailer Besetzung und Crew-Mitglieder Benutzerrezensionen Wissenswertes FAQ IMDbPro. Paddy Considine Dai Donovan. Christopher Nightingale. Florian Hoffmann. Dezember im Electric Ballroom in Camden Town statt. Literatur [ Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten ]. Auszeichnungen [ Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten ]. Absolutely adore this film!! Die ungewöhnliche Konstellation sorgt für Irritationen auf beiden Seiten. WUSSTEST DU SCHON: Ändern. It's funny but very moving, with a perfect blend of "comedy" and seriousness because these were dark times, both for the miners and the gay community. Wolfgang Wagner. Musik [ Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten ]. Ähnliche Nachrichten. Jonathan : Well, if you don't like it, you can go home. Seite bearbeiten. Hintergrund [ Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten ]. FSK 6 JMK