The artist Stasya Samar from Odesa has portrayed queer people from southern Ukraine who talk about their experiences of the war. The drawings are accompanied by text and audio reports from those affected. Organizers: Munich Kyiv Queer, Gay Alliance Ukraine, Munich Pride, Cultural Department Munich www. Admission is free. Organizer: Kunsthalle München www. Sat, June 1 Chiemsee Boat Trip Chiemsee Schifffahrt, Prien am Chiemsee For Pridethe Nil, the NY. Club and Ludwig's Wirtshaus are jointly organizing a Pride boat trip on Lake Chiemsee. Music: DJ James Munich. Tickets: www. Contributors: Corinna Behrens, Sabine Brandl, Mo Kast, Matti Laaksonen, Inge Lütt, Lili B. Wilms, Andrea Zimmermann. Organizer: Sabine Brandl, Gisela Weinhändler, Sub e. On this anniversary, we want to be visible for an end to the stigmatization of sex work and for respect for sex workers. Come and join us. Whether you are Fetisch Gos Classic Music Gay in sex work or not. We are queer feminist activists working for more visibility and networking on the topic of sex work. Organizer: Netzwerk - Respekt für 6arbeitende München - respect 4 6workers munich Instagram: r46wm. June 5 till 24 Exhibition GOLDEN BOYS at Sub Gay-queer center Sub, Müllerstr. A contribution to the PrideWeeks and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Münchner Löwen Club. Organiser: Münchner Löwen Club e. What does that mean? All guests will receive a sticker with a number. You can write anonymous messages to other numbers on slips of paper. You then fold up the messages and hand them in at the bar. For your first message you get a drink on the house : Already taken? Open to everyone up to 27 years. Organizer: diversity München e. Fashion Statements" before the slam from 6 pm. We will examine the messages we have received about queer desire and non-heteronormative gender identities over the course of our lives and how these continue to shape us. We will also develop strategies to empower ourselves and each other. Registration until June 3 at beratung letra. We look forward to welcoming athletes, fans and interested parties! More info: www. On display are not only classic nude paintings, but also portraits and entire scenes. The international artists show a very diverse range of working techniques and styles. The Munich gallery has been presenting exhibitions with a homoerotic focus since Fetisch Gos Classic Music Gay is internationally renowned for this. Organizer: Kunstbehandlung www.
VIDA Landsberg e. Extravagant Camp shows how Asian American camp takes on queerness as a resource to enliven modes of joy, beauty, and pleasure within structures of constraint, revealing the types of power camp retrieves for racialized communities in the face of abjection. Busch-Salmen, Gabriele, Eva Rieger, ed. Metzler Humanities German Language Share this chapter Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Get shareable link Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Band 14 in dieser Reihe.
You all really made the Yuletide gay last weekend #tbt to UNCUT: Jingle classic circuit DJs and newcomers bringing the heat during MAL weekend! As art music goes, minimalism has definitely hit the bigtime. Chris tian. Tanja Lilienblum and Marco Gonzales translate the entire. Instead tion, Recording, and Authority in 'Classic' Minimalism,” Twentieth Century Music. Between the music acts, people from our LGBTIQ* community will have their say with short speeches. programme reads like a Who's Who of classical music: the Vienna. Philharmonic, the Mozarteum Orchestra, the Camerata Salzburg,.Fancy a film evening? References [ edit ]. October 15 — 20 9th QFFM Queer Film Festival Munich For nine years, the QFFM Queer Film Festival Munich has stood for diversity on the big screen and shows films beyond hetero- and homonormative cinema. However, canon criticism is only one aspect of this demand. Google Scholar Borio, Gianmario, Hermann Danuser, ed. For myself, the power of transgenderism — if any — rests in this vagueness and divisiveness. Abeles and Yank Porter ; Hoffmann ; Abeles Admission is free. Ihre Dokumente können jetzt angezeigt werden. Du Bois, Josephine Baker, and other modern political actors, from the United States to West Africa, Europe and back, this book considers how artists negotiated at once the local, national, and diasporic frames through which race has been represented. What queer modes of resilience and care can teach us about enduring environmental collapse What does it mean to be at the end of life, the end of a family line, the end of a species, or the end of the future itself? Autismuskompetenzzentrum Oberbayern, Zamdorfer Str. Andresen, Sünne, Mechthild Koreuber, Dorothea Lüdke, ed. It is now also accepted that feminism itself is characterized by diversity, fragmentation, and a series of internal contestations. With information stands and everything else that keeps body and soul together. Busch-Salmen, Gabriele, Eva Rieger, ed. This only works against the background of the general concert hall audience; not against the background of the discourses of contemporary music. Refreshments will of course be available at youthful prices. Of course, everyone is welcome in the audience, on stage only queer poets will perform. The international artists show a very diverse range of working techniques and styles. Since then, it has become one of the best-known Chinese queer films. The relationship between music and audience or listener has also been increasingly addressed in recent years. Reid-Pharr, Samuel R. When did the first Pride take place in Berlin? However, the broad international audience was recaptured above all in minimal music. A radical defense of a solitary life What single person hasn't suffered? Organizer: Melodiva e. Rather, the process of the formation of a canon, whether a repertoire or a disciplinary paradigm, involves a lengthy historical process that engages many cultural variables Citron , Musik und Homosexualität bei Michael Tippett. The integration of gender in the field of music implies much-discussed aspects and measures of institutional gender equality policy as well as fundamental perspectives critical of music discourse, music theory, and musicology, and thus also institutionally critical perspectives. Tübingen und Basel: A. For example, the authority of the score is combined with the fact that the persons represented are predominantly composers, particularly male creators of works. Organizers: Stiftung Literaturhaus, Münchner Kammerspiele. Canon formation is not controlled by any one individual or organization, nor does it take place at any one historical moment.