For over two decades, she has worked internationally with co-creative, participatory dance and creates installations, encounters, performances and videos. She is the founder and artistic director of Mobile Dance e. Mobile Dance offers art projects at the intersection of artistic and socio-political concerns. Mobile Dance has created projects in which hundreds of artists in Germany and the UK have been employed in participatory dance. InJo received a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue her Master's degree in Choreography at the University of California UCLA. She earned a Gay Dance Magdeburg 2017 First Class in English Literature and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford. Inshe won the Honorary Award in the German Dance Prize. Her most recent work, The Walking Projekt, received the IKARUS prize DE in From -Jo was on the board of Aktion Tanz: Dance in Education and Society the membership body for community and participatory dance in Germany, where she is now associated artist. In SeptemberJo began as Course Leader for the new MA Dance: Participation, Communities, Activism at London Contemporary Dance School, which she co-wrote with the Gay Dance Magdeburg 2017 at LCDS and which begins in September Jo understands artistic co-creative processes with communities as research into how we live together: a laboratory in which diverse groups of people can investigate issues relevant to them. She is passionate about the potential of collective dance-making to Gay Dance Magdeburg 2017 us imagine alternative ways of being together and creating opportunities for dance artists to expand and challenge their practice in exchange with communities. Ingo Diehl is head of the Master for Contemporary Dance Education MA CoDEVice President of the University for Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt HfMDK and President of the Hessian Theatre Academy. He studied dance in Hanover and New York, dance education in Cologne and worked as a dancer, choreographer and rehearsal director. From - Ingo Diehl was responsible for the issues and the overall conception of the educational programme of Tanzplan Deutschlandan initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Inhe curated the international student campus for the festival of the Akademie der Künste Berlin under the title "What the Body Remembers". He is a founding member of the Bundesverband Tanz in Schulen Federal Association of Dance in Schoolsinitiator of the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz Dance Education Conferenceexpert for accreditations of study programs and collaborating partner of the Motion Bank Project. His activities on the boards of trustees of the Tanztreffen der Jugend and Take Off Junger Tanz at the Tanzhaus NRW, as well as his advisory work for the German Dance Congress - serves to place a vivid exchange around dance education. Margrit Bischof ist Tanzforschende und Tanzdozentin. Sie setzt sich ein für eine vielseitige Vernetzung von Forschung, Bildung und Kunst im Tanz. Die Bildung des Menschen, insbesondere die pädagogische Arbeit, zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch ihr Leben. In Bern aufgewachsen und ausgebildet als Volksschullehrerin und Sportlehrerin vertiefte sie sich an der Sporthochschule Köln in den elementaren Tanz bei Maya Lex und Graziella Padilla. Neugierig für die verschiedensten Vermittlungsformen des Tanzes besuchte sie unzählige Workshops und Weiterbildungen sowohl im Modern, Jazz, Tanztheater, Höfischen Tanz, später urbanen Tanz, Flamenco, Zeitgenössisch und vieles mehr. Als Dozentin an der Universität Bern war sie zuständig für Lehre und Forschung im Bereich des Tanzes innerhalb der Sportwissenschaft. Aus diesen Begegnungen heraus entstand der Wunsch, dieses vielseitige Wissen im Tanz an die Universität Bern zu holen und es interessierten Menschen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Als Studienleiterin begleitete sie Tanzende, Choreografierende, Fachleute aus dem Kulturmanagement und wissbegierige Tanzinteressierte auf ihrem Weg zu mehr Bildung und Wissen rund um den Tanz. Zurzeit ist sie Vorstandsmitglied im Dachverband Tanz Deutschland und Verbindungsperson zur Ethik-Kommission des DTD. Anja Ofenstein works as a sports scientist MSc, TU Munich in Munich and is a freelance sports psychology expert German Association of Sports Psychology. Having participated in national and international dance competitions herself since childhood, she became interested in Gay Dance Magdeburg 2017 medicine and dance science during her sports science studies. Sinceshe has been working with dance students and dancers in the context of training therapy and injury rehabilitation. In her master's thesis, she investigated the influence of stress on injuries in professional ballet dancers of the Bavarian State Ballet Munich and subsequently began her training as a sports psychology expert with the aim of focusing on dancers. Already during her training she started coaching injured dancers on their way back to stage and held various workshops on mental training in dance, among others in cooperation with ta. As a sports psychology expert she offers workshops and lectures as well as and group coaching in mental training for performers. In particular, she wants to support dancers in promoting their performance and mental health, but also to raise awareness of how an empowering and supportive environment in dance can sustainably contribute to the health of dancers and dance teachers. Highlights of her career were the Folkwang Tanzstudio and the Tanztheater Wuppertal guest under the direction of Pina Bausch. Until she performed as a soloist at the Theater Dortmund. She studied dance, music and acting in Rio, with further education at Folkwang University, and HfMDK Frankfurt M. Dance Education. She took part in this year's festival Politik im freien Theater Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung with a small project for young people. The versatility of her biography and career influences her creations. Detailed CV www. We are the Bots. From to he was a member of John Neumeier's Hamburg Ballet. In he received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the Open University - Milton Keynes. Inhe decided to end his career as a dancer and joined the Ballett am Rhein team as Dramaturg and Head of Artistic Production.
Bildung Entwicklung Tanz - Educational Development Dance
Gaydance in der Grünen Zitadelle - Stadtmagazin DATEs Dec 16, . . Gaydance mit DJ. Followers, Following, Posts - Boys'n'Beats (@boysnbeats) on Instagram: "Geöffnet Freitag von - und Samstag von bis !". CSD Magdeburg was live. attending Gaydance - Christmas Spezial at Theater Grüne Zitadelle Magdeburg. CSD Magdeburg mit Fokus auf MenschenrechteVienna Dance Contest [ ]. Genaue Location wird einen Tag vor dem Event per E-Mail mitgeteilt. Sie findet jeden 1. Feb 12, War diese Woche schon mehrmals dort zum nackt sonnen und bin da schon ein wenig geil und neugierig geworden.
Dec 16, . Der Barabend findet am im platz*machen (Sternstraße MaX in the Mix. bis Boys'n'Beats Liebknechtstraße 89, Magdeburg Dance. Falls ihr Bock auf ein entspannten Abend in queerer Gesellschaft habt, kommt gerne vorbei. MaX stand bereits auf zahlreichen Gay-Events auf der Bühne: GMF Berlin. attending Gaydance - Christmas Spezial at Theater Grüne Zitadelle Magdeburg. . CSD Magdeburg was live. Gaydance mit DJ. Followers, Following, Posts - Boys'n'Beats (@boysnbeats) on Instagram: "Geöffnet Freitag von - und Samstag von bis !".Casa d'Oro - Südtiroler Baude Glühweinhütte. Hey, K. I am also interested in the ephemeral and the permanent, the content and expression, the political, social, emotional and aesthetic, but also the possibilities, opportunities, problems and demands. She is passionate about the potential of collective dance-making to help us imagine alternative ways of being together and creating opportunities for dance artists to expand and challenge their practice in exchange with communities. LesBiSchwules Parkfest Friedrichshain [ 15 ]. It has been selected by HundrED organization as one of the most innovative education projects across the world for the years and Jungs trifft man an der Ostseite am Bahndamm, über den Wall rüber. Catherine is a dancer, dance teacher and teacher trainer in both public conservatories and specialized schools for the performing arts. Wie steht für dich Bildung mit Tanz in Verbindung? Kätz Special - NASTY NEW YEAR - Silvester Party Tue, Dec 31, PM KÄTZ. He has written for academic and professional publications and is also a member of the editorial board of "TURBA: the journal for global practices in live arts curation" CA. Hatte gerade wieder Fun am Neustädter See. Ungarn Ungarn. Paracosm, Nuova Officina della Danza, Scottish Dance Theatre, Tanzhaus NRW, VA Wölfl's Neuer Tanz and many more. Things to do in Lübeck. He has conceived, curated and talks in has lectured at universities. Thu, Jan 2, PM. Sissy — Queer Musik Festival. At the age of 16, she took part in the exchange programme "EU-China Arts Summer School" in Beijing as a representative of Germany. In Zusammenarbeit mit Rita Aozane Bilibio entstand eine Vielzahl eigener Stücke u. For ten years he was Creative Producer and Production Manager of DIN A13 tanzcompany, Germany's pioneering mixed-abled dance company, with whom he co-conceived and managed international mixed-abled co-productions with numerous African, Asian and South American artists. Simona Lobefaro and Alessandro Lumare English. Suche Search for: Suche. Venezuela Venezuela. The possibility to combine choreography with textures, sensations and delicacy is my inspiration when I am working on a new piece. Petriförder , Cruising 5. May 07, Auch als Pädagogin hinterfragt sie mit den Studierenden das Verhältnis zwischen Komposition, Improvisation und Dramaturgie. Hey jemand Lust sich mit mir zu treffen und etwas versautes tun? Catharina Gadelha English. Aktuelle Termine auf der Homepage.