Sie hatten einfach einen engen Zeitplan wegen Gay Asien Leather Tumblr neuem Song und zu diesem Photoshooting wurdest du und die Freundinnen der Anderen eingeladen, dar das Konzept mit liebe zu tun hat. They just had a tight schedule because of a new song and you and the others' friends were invited to this photo shoot because the concept has to do with love. Dawon: Dawon hat sich anfangs nichts anmerken lassen, dein Kleid sah so schön an dir aus, es machte ihn unruhig, doch er konnte dich nicht einfach jetzt entführen, ihr hattet jetzt euer Shooting, und er hatte mitbekommen, da die Member genau so unruhig wie er waren wegen ihren Freundinnen. Es war wohl doch nicht so eine gute Idee, Frauen zu diesem Photoshooting dabei zu haben. Er sah wie die Älteren nach dem sie fertig waren, so schnell wie möglich mit ihren Frauen verschwinden und er konnte es kaum abwarten, ihnen es gleich zu tun. Er wippte ständig ungeduldig mit seinem Bein bis ihr Beiden dann endlich dran wart. Ihr hattet schon besprochen welche Pose euch am besten gefällt, deswegen dauerte es auch nicht lange bis die Fotos geschossen wurden. Er stand hinter dir mit seiner Hand auf deinem Bauch und seiner Hand aus seiner, die andere Hand steckte er in seine Hosentasche, so sah er einem CEO ähnlich der mit seiner Frau zu einer schicken Gala geht. Er kam etwas näher mit seinem Gesicht zu deinem Nacken und hauchte dir Gay Asien Leather Tumblr an deinem Ohr vorbei, zu dem Zeitpunkt hast du noch gar nicht daran gedacht das er was ganz bestimmtes von dir wollte, aber dann wurde es dir klar, ihr hab euch eine Woche nicht gesehen, er vermisst dich ja schon nach 1 Tag. Er flüsterte dir ins Ohr " folg mir wenn wir fertig sind" Du wusstest genau was er wollte und das lies dich ohne Probleme erregen. Als es dann endlich fertig war, ging er ganz cool und gelassen mit seinen Händen in seinen Hosentaschen, durch die Gänge ,er versuchte eigentlich bis zur umkleide zu kommen, doch du warst schon direkt hinter ihm und er konnte nicht mehr warten, er drehte sich blitz schnell um und zog dich um die Ecke um dich dort an die Wand zu drücken. Du konntest die Lust in seinen Gesicht sehen und es fachte deine eigene Lust nur noch mehr an, woraufhin du ihn direkt in einem Leidenschaftlichen Kuss der Sehnsucht fängst. Er presste seinen Körper bei dem Kuss direkt an deinen wodurch du die Beule in seiner Hose sofort spürtest. Es Gay Asien Leather Tumblr dich in den Kuss seufzen, er zögerte nicht eine Sekunde lang und schob dir so gleich seine Zunge in deinen Mund. Dein Kleid schob er ein wenig hinauf um dir dein Höschen zu klauen, es fand seinen Platz in seiner Tasche, während er seine Hose öffnete und dich mit seine starken Armen an deinem Po hoch hob. Du wusstest das er darauf stand, dir seine stärke zu zeigen und weil er dadurch grade keine Hand frei hatte, nahmst du sein Glied um es an deinem Eingang zu platzieren, er zögerte nicht und rutschte sofort komplett zwischen deine warmen, sanften Wände. Es brachte euch beide dazu Sehnsüchtig zu stöhnen, doch er Küsste dich gleich danach wider, damit euch beide keiner erwischt. Eng: version. Dawon: Dawon didn't let on at first, your dress looked so beautiful on you, it made him uneasy, but he couldn't just kidnap you now, you had your shoot now, and he had noticed that the members were just as uneasy as he was about their girlfriends. It was probably not such a good idea to have women with you at this photo shoot. He saw how the older ones disappeared with their wives as quickly as possible after they were finished and he could hardly wait to do the same. He kept wiggling his leg impatiently until it was finally your turn. You had already discussed which pose you liked best, so it didn't take long before the photos were taken. He stood behind you with his hand on your stomach and his hand out of his, the other hand in his trouser pocket, so he looked like a CEO going to a fancy gala with his wife. He came a little closer with his face to your neck and breathed lightly past your ear. At that point you hadn't even thought that he wanted something specific from you, but then you realized that you hadn't seen each other for a week and he was already missing you after just one day. He whispered in your ear "follow me when we're done. When it was finally finished, he walked through the corridors with his hands in his pockets, very cool and relaxed. He actually tried to get to the changing room, but you were already right behind him and he couldn't wait any longer. He turned around in a flash and pulled you around the corner to press you against the wall. You could see the desire in his face and it only fueled your own desire even more, whereupon you caught him in a passionate kiss of longing. He pressed his body directly against yours during the kiss, which meant that you immediately felt the bulge in his pants. It made you sigh into the kiss, he didn't hesitate for a second Gay Asien Leather Tumblr immediately pushed his tongue into your mouth. He pushed your dress up a little to steal your panties, they found their place in his pocket while he opened his pants and lifted you up by your bottom with his strong arms. You knew that he liked to show you his strength and because he didn't have a free hand, you took his penis and placed it at your entrance, he didn't hesitate and immediately slid completely between your warm, soft walls.
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Into active dominant guys in black leather, masks/hoods and tall black boots, needs to serve (preferably Black and Asian) Leather Masters (no youngsters!). A gay guy's Tumblr of hypno masters whom he hopes to one day serve. Discover more posts about muscle buddies. they don't even know about thai, japanese, taiwanese, chinese and south korean queer love tv industry thriving. Sometimes switch for good bois who want to obey, surrender and tribute. See a recent post on Tumblr from @joes-stories about muscle buddies.You even dragged him to buy new gym clothes because he was like bubblegum, glued to you. His mouth devoured your nipple, his fingers pumped your hole with no mercy, that was amazing. He is the boss, his job is to say you're doing it the wrong way or maybe it's his hobby "Don't. Do you love me? A sterile person does not have the ability to conceive. I know we are talking about hookups here but he enchants you thanks to his friendly aura. I'm a lucky man". Er küsste dich wider, aber dieses mal sanfter und leidenschaftlicher. He hates admitting but his mouth waters when he thinks about your boobs. German vers: Inseong: Mit Inseong Ist es ein kleines Chaos, bevor du fertig warst hat er schon wieder mit den Membern Quatsch gemacht am Set. Hwiyoung: At first, he blushes but does not think twice before making the way easier for you. You decide to get closer wearing your bathrobe open. That's all you need now? He eyed you up from head to toe and apparently liked what you presented. Inseong almost fooled you, he gave you the news about his breakup with a quite calm tone even though the history was awful. Als er dich so sah in diesem Dunkelrotem Kleid, viel es ihm schwer nicht auf deine Kurven zu schauen, es schmiegt perfekt an deinem Körper. The thing is, his hot girl finds him hot too and he needs more of your words on such a matter. You can see in his eyes how your request made some gears roll in his head. First one is just playing with adding water colors, second one is my first stamp! You ended up pinning him up against the mirror. You noticed his eyes scrutinizing you in a different way when you walked into the bedroom. Meanwhile, the cold breeze messed his hair just enough to make him look less uptight. You could lean in and Hwyoung simply let you explore his face, brushing your mouth against his cheekbones and eyelids while he held on your waist. Your pussy is already wet when he touches you, his dick is already hard when you pull his trousers down. Inseong: I know we are talking about hookups here but he enchants you thanks to his friendly aura. It is impossible to say no and he loves to be your propriety. The housekeeper left without him noticing, more silent than anything. Small talk can ease tension and reduce pressure from others, especially in a professional setting if more junior members are expected to speak. You smiled gratefully at him and his cheeks immediately turned pink, he could swear that his cheeks weren't the only thing that felt warm because of it. He is obsessed with your body, so he likes it when you touch one another. And so were you that night, he hugged you tight as if you could escape from his hands. Taeyang makes clear that he is happy that you did the right thing. You came closer nodding at his consideration. He can't take his hands to himself. Small talk in many cases is signaling, a way to indicate certain things to people. Zuho usually pulls his dick out and slides a condom so he can fuck you good without worrying with any mess.