The film stars Samuel Finzi, among others, and was co-produced by COIN FILM with the support of the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. After its world premiere at the IFF Sao Paolo, the film can be seen in competition at the IFF Sofia. More info HERE. In her film, director Nadeja Koseva tells of the responsibility we humans have for our environment and for each other. A total of four screenings are scheduled. More information is available HERE. Absolutely touching and, despite all its harshness, full of shimmering life energy — right up to a sheer breath-taking finale. Outstanding: young actor Bas Keizer as the title character and Naomi Velissariou as his mother. The film can be found HERE. Sharp-eyed, feminist and at the same time immensely entertaining Ben Huller Georgie Gay humorous. Starring: Margarita Broich, Felizia Trube, Momo Beier, Stella Holzapfel, Bernhard Schütz, Matti Schmidt-Schaller a. A co-production with FilmForm Cologne and Velvet Films. It can be viewed HERE. The artfully arranged and sensitively narrated film takes its viewers to a place of longing that has lost none of its fascination to this day. Also and above all because the question of how we want to live is still as topical as it was a hundred years ago. Before you have the opportunity to experience the NRW premiere on Wednesday April, 19 in the Apollo cinema in Aachen, including a film discussion with the director SASKIA DIESING and the leading actresses ANNA BACHMANN and EUGENIE ANSELIN. The Lower Saxony premiere takes place on Thursday About the film: Inspired by true events surrounding a liberated deportation train, director Saskia Diesing delivers an unprecedented female perspective on the end of World War 2: Three women — a Jewish Dutch woman, a young German and a Russian sniper — defy differing sensibilities to stick together in an extreme situation. The international professional conference for public television takes Ben Huller Georgie Gay in a different city every year, this time in Taipei from May Ben Huller Georgie Gay Our series will be seen and discussed by an international audience of experts. Or you can watch the movie HERE. SAUBERE SACHE Beste Serie National. CRISTINA DO REGO Beste Darstellerin National. BEN MÜNCHOW Bester Darsteller National. EVERY VOTE COUNTS! Thank you for your support! At the film festival Max Ophüls Preis in January the Tribute will be dedicated to the brilliant Sandra Hüller. On the 28th will be a public workshop talk with Sandra Hüller. More info about the events and Sandra can be found HERE in German. More on this film HERE in German. Nur noch 7 Tage — der Countdown läuft! Wenn Ihr PAULA und JURI im Waschsalon wiedersehen wollt, dann votet bis S A U B E R E S A C H E vornominiert in 3 Kategorien. Sie sind Ende 20 und treffen sich wöchentlich im Waschsalon. Follow us for bonus content on Instagram. They are in their late 20s and meet weekly at the laundromat. The conversations between the two are funny, the dialogues often take a surprising turn, slip from fun into seriousness, and increasingly there is a sizzle between the couple. Once a week Paula CRISTINA DO REGO and Juri BEN MÜNCHOW meet at the laundromat. Purely by chance, of course. Paula and Juri lie to each other constantly, unintentionally of course, but with humor and depth. We thank the distributor DCM for their great commitment to bring our film to theaters during this difficult time. The young mother Hanna Leitner MARESI RIEGENER wants to escape the bourgeois corset and her husband Anton PHILIPP HAUSSwho sexually harasses her. How nice that we meet again in the cinema! How nice that we can watch films together and talk about them!
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