Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Settling the Score 1 Der Gefallen. Josh Hunter. Was ist schlimmer als ein Tyrann? Ein Tyrann, der der schärfste Sportler der Schule ist! Wade Johnson Gay Boys Sportler Sklave, dass er sich alles erlauben kann, nur weil er der Quarterback unseres Footballteams ist. Er hat mich im Sportunterricht dabei erwischt, wie ich ihn angestarrt habe, und hat mich als "Schwuchtel" bezeichnet. Seitdem machen er und seine Mannschaftskameraden mir das Leben zur Hölle. Aber Wade hat einen Ausrutscher gemacht, und jetzt ist er dabei, alles zu seinen Platz im Team, seine sexy Cheerleader-Freundin, sein College-Stipendium. Und er bittet mich um Hilfe. Was soll ich also mit einem arroganten Athleten machen, dem eine Lektion erteilt werden muss? Genres M M Romance Erotica Sports Contemporary Gay Erotica LGBT Fiction Loading Gay Boys Sportler Sklave About the author. Josh Hunter 37 books followers. If you're looking for a sugar-coated romance --you've got the wrong author. Josh Hunter writes dark gay erotica about sexy boys being pushed too far Have a forbidden fantasy about getting even with that football player who bullied you in high school? The fraternity hazing that goes way too far? Or having the powers of a vampire who can bend cocky straight boys to your will? Then Josh is the author for you. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews. Len Evans Jr. This story about a geeky guy who has been horribly bullied by his high school's star quarterback for years manages to turn the table on him. After filming the guy JOing for him in return for writing a term paper that the quarterback needs to pass a class, Kevin realizes he can get his own back by blackmailing Wade into doing more submissive sexual acts. This short story is scorching hot and I am sure the JO fantasy of a lot of harassed gay guys in high schools throughout the years. I'm not a vindictive person in real life, so I don't know why I love revenge stories, but I DO. And this short story delivers up a satisfying dose of vengeance, excellently written -- and free, to boot. So you'd think the prospect of eight more stories in the series would have me standing in line trying to get someone to please take my money. You'd be thinking right, except So, despite being impressed by Josh Hunter's writing, and as much as I'd love to read the rest of the series, it is simply not going to happen at this price point. Be careful when you're a dumb jock who promises anything to the smart, fed up bullied kid at school. Because, yes baby, payback can be one hell of a bitch. It's very hard to rate The Favor all on its own because of its length. But what I can say is this, it is well written, well edited - indie authors, please look at how writers like Josh Hunter and Candi Kay edit their stories - and the concept, while not exactly new, is snarky, cheeky and fun. It had me laughing out loud in more than a few places. It's sexually charged but I wanted a bit more - size does matter sometimes.
Continuing Wade and Kevin - Wade going deeper into doing things as Kevin has power over him. Aber Wade ist nicht so schlau. Most of the books are missing from Good Reads. Es geht um Felix einen schüchternen und zurückhaltenden aber jedoch schlauen jungen und lukas einen netten, sportlichen und selbstsicheren jungen. I really liked the first installment in this series, but I think Part 2: Blackmailed!
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Joined March Following · Leather bound gay slave fetish man holds Euro currency symbol, 3d illustration render. Illustration-Formate. Suche geile skins Sportler master in Berlin brandenburg. Gaysklave. × Pixel • 13,3 × 13,3 in • DPI Log in · Sign up · Opens profile photo. @Gaysklave2.Community Reviews. Ein Neuanfang? Die Anwärter sind Ausgewählte aus dem Volk, die über Jahre hinweg darauf vorbereitet und ausgebildet werden. Kev has what could be the perfect solution, if only his blackmailed football player would stand up for him. Completed Mature. Hunter plays with the idea of just what happens when a boy who gets bullied at school takes things into his own hands and decides to fight back, and the result is a short — but extremely sexy — story. A little too short but still a good beginning. Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews. The Equilizer vs the football team? Juuzou x Uta 7. I'm already ready to go straight into the next one. Himmel oder Hölle Boyxman Der Mond Gott ist der Gott der Götter. Rate this book. I've finised reading the whole series in less than a week and have read the first part in his next series and now on my knees begging for more. Doch was ist wenn der Teufel plötzlich selbst etwas entdeckt womit er nicht gerechnet hätte? Reviewed for The Dark Arts MM Erotica. Müssen gehorchen, wie Sklaven uns gehorchen müssen. YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ IT. Part 1 was published on January 22nd and part 8 on January 17th , two years later. Was würdest du tun, wenn vom einen auf den anderen Tag, sich dein Leben um Grad dreht? Sklave Larry FF K 6K Ultimately the first three books could have easily been in one book and would still not have been a complete novel. Einer der beliebtesten in der Schule und geliebt in Familie wir Sexy short story. I stayed up until in the morning reading I have to be up by