Dear internet, last week I launched a project called YOLOCAUST that explored our commemorative culture by combining selfies from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin with footage from Nazi extermination camps. The selfies were found on Facebook, Instagram, Tinder and Grindr. Comments, hashtags and "Likes" that were posted with the selfies are also included. The page was visited Gay Grindr Pics Tumblr over 2. Almost all of them understood the message, apologized and decided to remove their selfies from their personal Facebook and Instagram profiles. Aside from that I also received tons of great feedback from Holocaust researchers, people who used to work at the memorial, folks who lost their family during the Holocaust, teachers who wanted to use the project for school lessons, and evil people who sent photos of their friends and family for me to photoshop. You can see some of the feedback below. I think his email is the best way to conclude this project for now:. I am the guy that inspired you to make Yolocaust, so I've read at least. I am the "jumping on de I didn't mean to offend anyone. Now I just keep seeing my words in the headlines. I have seen what kind of impact those words have and it's crazy and it's not what I wanted … The photo was meant for my friends as a joke. I am known to make out of line jokes, stupid jokes, sarcastic jokes. And they get it. If you knew me you would too. But when it gets shared, and comes to strangers who have no idea who I am, they just see someone disrespecting something important to someone else or them. That was not my intention. And I am sorry. I truly am. With that in mind, I would like to be undouched. Oh, and if you could explain to BBC, Haaretz and aaaaallll the other blogs, news stations etc. Except for Snapchat. Best, ss. Liebes Internet, letzte Woche habe ich ein Projekt namens YOLOCAUST veröffentlicht, welches unsere Erinnerungskultur durch die Kombination von Selfies am Holocaust-Mahnmal in Berlin mit Bildmaterial aus Vernichtungslagern hinterfragte. Die Selfies wurden auf Facebook, Instagram, Tinder und Grindr gefunden. Die Seite wurde von über 2,5 Millionen Menschen besucht. Das Verrückte ist, dass das Projekt inzwischen auch alle zwölf Personen erreicht hat, die auf den Selfies abgebildet waren. Fast alle haben die Botschaft verstanden, sich entschuldigt und entschieden, ihre Selfies von ihren Facebook- oder Instagram-Profilen zu löschen. Einige Gay Grindr Pics Tumblr Rückmeldungen findet ihr unten. Ich bin der Typ, der dich, wie ich gerade las, zu Yolocaust inspiriert hat. Ich wollte niemanden beleidigen. Nun sehe ich meine eigenen Worte in den Nachrichten. Gay Grindr Pics Tumblr habe gesehen was meine Worte ausgelöst haben. Das ist verrückt und es ist nicht, was ich wollte.
Sie verstehen meinen Humor. Grid List. I think his email is the best way to conclude this project for now: I am the guy that inspired you to make Yolocaust, so I've read at least. You have demonstrated with this project that it is possible to say a great deal with very few words. We thought it was disgusting and disrespectful.
Yolocaust is a project by Shahak Shapira that explores our commemorative culture by combining selfies from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. You don't have to be a young stud, a ripped model, or a jock to. Tumblr TWT TT Pin Grindr Discord IG FB Reddit YT · Scottish People Gay Marriage · Im Crazy · 9th Birthday · Homestuck · Funny Me · two texts. Cocksuckers are gay guys who want to suck cock, pretty much any cock, pretty much all the time. › cachotumblr › text.I am known to make out of line jokes, stupid jokes, sarcastic jokes. I think his email is the best way to conclude this project for now: I am the guy that inspired you to make Yolocaust, so I've read at least. If we can't acknowledge and respect the past, we have very little hope for the future. There's no better way to prepare my students for our trip to Berlin! We saw people take photos at the monument, and for that tourist effort to take photos we also did. Two days ago I went to auchwitz and I was completely appalled at the behaviour that was happening around me. Some time ago we saw a fb "friend" uploaded this photograph to her profile. Oh, and if you could explain to BBC, Haaretz and aaaaallll the other blogs, news stations etc. Zu sagen, dass man nicht auf asiatische gelesene Menschen steht, bedeutet ja lediglich, die Proportionen eines Gesichtes nicht sexuell attraktiv zu finden. I have been confirmed by doctors as having few months to live. I think his email is the best way to conclude this project for now:. Posts Attachments. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Und es tut mir leid. The source of this problem is tumblr. Es ist faktisch kein Rassismus den Phänotyp asiatisch gelesener Menschen nicht attraktiv zu finden. Ich wollte niemanden beleidigen. Please send a email to tumbex. Deepecology Admired Member. Install the app. I walk past the memorial everyday and I am confused and saddened to see the mixture of disrespectfulness, lack of knowledge and self-promotion in many visitor's behavior. Das Verrückte ist, dass das Projekt inzwischen auch alle zwölf Personen erreicht hat, die auf den Selfies abgebildet waren. Or does anyone believe that the dinos from Jurassic Park are real? As many have noted, there are big problems with displaying images on the site. I will love you to do me the honours and help me in this distribution. I have been to the memorial several times and have always been troubled by people acting like the ones in your photos. Ansonsten wäre ich als schwuler Mann ja auch misogyn, weil ich nicht mit Frauen ins Bett will!? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Now I just keep seeing my words in the headlines. Und das mit dem Finger ist für mich auch Argument Nummer 1. I am just here to thank you with all my heart for making this disturbing paradox public. I think what you have done is amazing and so so overdue.