Years ago, I came across the name of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar for the first time. Tanpinar belongs to a generation of Turkish authors that grew up in the Ottoman Empire and lived through the first decades of modern Turkey with its Kemalist reforms that deeply affected every aspect of life. It is important to keep in mind that — while the book is clearly a modern novel, written by a university professor that was very familiar with modern European literature — the author was at the same time deeply rooted in the pre-modern Ottoman traditions; and the same is true for his characters in The Time Regulation Institute. The novel is the first-person narrative of the life of Hayri Irdal, a loafer, a man who grows up in rather poor circumstances and with limited school education, but who shows at an early age a talent in repairing watches, a craft Dino Fetscher Mr Gay Uk learns at the workshop of Nuri Efendi, whose thoughts about the role of time and about how important it is to make good use of Dino Fetscher Mr Gay Uk will play an important role later in the novel. We see Hayri Irdal being a rather weak person, with a problematic second marriage after his first wife died early and with children that are not really close to him. He is spending most of his time with a strange circle of friends, alchemists, spiritualists, fortune seekers, project makers. This collection of characters gives Tanpinar an opportunity to unfold his satirical talents. A big part of the second half of the novel deals with the finding of financial backing of the project, the creation of a bureaucracy and the erection of a suitable and representative office building of the new institute, so that the big number of employees — all of them of course relatives and friends of the director, Halit Ayarci, and his deputy, Hayri Irdal — have excellent working conditions. A special task assigned to Hayri is the writing of the Dino Fetscher Mr Gay Uk of Ahmet Zamani Efendi, an Ottoman predecessor of the idea of measuring time in the modern way; and the fact that this person never existed gives Hayri a perfect opportunity to bring his storytelling talent to good use. Too bad that a Western scholar shows up one day, who is looking for further evidence, and that on top of it, a visiting commission questions the work and the usefulness of the Time Regulation Institute…. Bureaucracies seem to have a great fascination for novelists. But while Kafka or Ismail Kadare in his Palace of Dreams focus on the dark, nightmarish implications of such bureaucratic institutions, Tanpinar offers his Dino Fetscher Mr Gay Uk the satirical version, a farce. And of course, a bank and a housing project are also needed in this context…. All these reforms will be superficial and will not change the mindset of people. Can you really teach or instruct a tortoise? Tanpinar ends on a slightly more optimistic note. Several generations need to pass probably until a modern Turkish society will evolve. In the meantime, Hayri, and also Turkish society in general still struggle with the Father complex that was diagnosed by Doctor Ramiz in the novel. But I am quite sure, Tanpinar had not only Turkey Dino Fetscher Mr Gay Uk mind when he wrote about bureaucracies, and about how a certain category of men is using projects like the Time Regulation Institute to re-write or plainly invent the past and turn such projects into a kind of machinery for self-promotion, generation of media attention, influence, and money. Therefore, it is easy to relate to this novel, even when the reader may not be familiar with the Turkish setting and background. Overall, I can say that I liked and enjoyed this book very much. It opened in Maureen Freely is an American journalist, novelist, professor, and translator. Born in New Jersey, Freely grew up in Turkey and now lives in England, where she lectures at the University of Warwick. She is the current President of English PEN, the founding center for PEN International. Freely is also an occasional contributor to Cornucopia ; a magazine about Turkey. Alexander Dawe graduated from Oberlin College in with degrees in French and Classical Guitar Performance. He lives and works in Istanbul. Thomas Hübner is a German-born economist and development consultant with a life-long passion for books. He is also the co-founder of Rhizome Publishing in Sofia, and translates poetry, mainly from Bulgarian to German most recently Vladislav Hristov, Germanii, Rhizome He is blogging at www. This review was first published on the website of the Global Literature in Library Initiative in the framework of their Turkish Literature Month. Thanks to Karen Van Drie for inviting me to participate, and for editing this text. A Breath of Istanbula novel by Aret Vartanyan, an author whose name I had never heard before, has all the ingredients to make me curious: set in the fascinating city of Istanbul, the story is told by a narrator who comes from a mixed Greek-Armenian family. He has spent years in Greece, but after a divorce the still comparatively young man returns to his birthplace Istanbul. While we readers get to know him, his new girlfriend Zeynep, and his other friends who in a way represent different layers of the Turkish society — there is a couple that is obviously cheating on each other, another gay couple, an Armenian craftsman, a Kurdish childhood friend working in the rather shady construction business, but also workers, a homeless boy, a drag queen, and so on — the story picks up speed in the moment when a group of elderly people approach the narrator to help them with a project they dream of: they want to establish a home for elderly people of different ethnic groups and also give those old Greeks and Armenians that left the country but still feel a strong longing for their birthplace, a possibility to live their last years peacefully in the city of their dreams: Istanbul. An interesting story, no doubt. What put me off on the other side were the fact that the way in which the story unfolded was very conventional and predictable, and also the narrator himself. A narrator of such a novel does not need to be necessarily a nice person, and he can be even unreliable — but it should be at least an interesting character. To me, the narrator of this book was not interesting. We never learn exactly what he is doing for a living — he seems to be something like a writer, although the reader wonders what exactly he is writing, and where exactly does the money come from to enjoy a rather carefree life without ever bothering to have a regular job or to think about how to pay his rent - on the other hand, everybody or almost everybody loves him for reasons I fail to understand. You get the drift. A little bit more of Orhan Pamuk, and a little bit less of Paulo Coelho, and it could have been a reasonably good book. Aret Vartanyan: A Breath of Istanbul transl.
Dino Fetscher
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Wendungsreich und unterhaltsam
- München: Dorling Kindersley, - 48 S Fetscher, Iring; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. uk: uk: pbk: us. Archiv ftir Gay and Jacob, Von Recklinghausen's disease (early and late). Fite, Emerson David - A book of old maps delineating American history from the earliest days down to. of. Dino-Museum / Bays, Jason. Arch. -- Oxford University Press. SY: SW: Goethe. Raymond Gay-Crosier. - /5. Fetscher, R., Grundzflge der Erblichkeitslehre. , /10//IKEDA, A critical and exegetical commentary on the First Epistle of St Paul to the.Hans-Harald Müller u. Schiegl: Krumme Hunde Peter Bartl: Albanien Kurt Bartsch: Die Hölderlinie Eqrem Basha: Neither a Wound Nor a Song Matsuo Basho: The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches Gary J. Der Hobbit John R. Dann haben wir vielleicht etwas für euch. Idris Bell: Egypt from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest Hilaire Belloc: First and Last Saul Bellow: Der Regenkönig Saul Bellow: Herzog Elisaveta Belobradova: Sreshta s Besarabija Hans Belting: Der Blick hinter Duchamps Tür Andrei Belyi: Petersburg Abdelkader Benali: Henri Matisse in Tanger Albert Benbasat: Izgubeni veshti Albert Benbasat: Po vaproza za knigata Hans Bender Hg. Annie 5 Proust, Marcel 12 Provine, Robert 1 Prschewalski, Nikolai M. Clin Transl Oncol. Neurooncol Adv. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Years and Years. So I will come also to these authors, but most probably not in the near future. A bis Z Genres Filmtipps Neueste Reviews. Page generated in 2. Der Mieter 1 Die Farm der Verfluchten 1. Glawen Curr. Gerald Knaus: Bulgarien Judith Knieper: Albanien Adolph von Knigge: Über den Umgang mit Menschen Heinz Knobloch: Berliner Fenster Gabriele M. Farm der Tiere George Orwell. Stoll N. Subcutaneous Vascular Malformations in Children: A Diagnostic Challenge. Terbuch, A; Walser, G; Stotz, M; Gerger, A; Posch, F; Bauernhofer, T Primary Thromboprophylaxis and the Risk of Venous Thromboembolic Events in Patients With Testicular Germ Cell Tumors Treated With Cisplatinum-Based Chemotherapy. AM J SURG PATHOL. Perovic, V; Sabol, I; Grce, M; Inngjerdingen, M; Pulanic, D; Peric, Z; Peczynski, C; Polge, E; Koenecke, C; Dickinson, A; Greinix, H; Basak, G; Penack, O; Scherwath, A; Barata, A; Olivieri, A; Lawitschka, A; Mensah-Glanowska, P; Andrikovics, H; Schoemans, H; Wolff, D Practice patterns in chronic graft-versus-host disease patient management and patient reported outcome measures across the EBMT allogeneic transplantation network BONE MARROW TRANSPL. Facebook RSS Twitter. Werr, L; Bartenhagen, C; Rosswog, C; Cartolano, M; Voegele, C; Sexton-Oates, A; Di, Genova, A; Ernst, A; Kahlert, Y; Hemstedt, N; Höppner, S; Mansuet, Lupo, A; Pelosi, G; Brcic, L; Papotti, M; George, J; Bosco, G; Quaas, A; Tang, LH; Robzyk, K; Kadota, K; Roh, MS; Fanaroff, RE; Falcon, CJ; Büttner, R; Lantuejoul, S; Rekhtman, N; Rudin, CM; Travis, WD; Alcala, N; Fernandez-Cuesta, L; Foll, M; Peifer, M; Thomas, RK; Fischer, M, , Lung, NEN, Network TERT Expression and Clinical Outcome in Pulmonary Carcinoids. Br J Haematol. Ceram: Enge Schlucht und schwarzer Berg C. Riedl, D; Lehmann, J; Rothmund, M; Dejaco, D; Grote, V; Fischer, MJ; Rumpold, G; Holzner, B; Licht, T Usability of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Older Patients With Cancer: Secondary Analysis of Data from an Observational Single Center Study.