All data can be searched via the browser search. To do this, click on "Show All" at the end of the page on the left and use the search function of the browser with CTRL F. The productivity gap between East and West Germany is a long ongoing discussion among the public and policy makers. Regional disparities still appear to be substantial. In this paper, we shed light on the role of allocative efficiency as a region? We show that over 50 percent of the East-West productivity gap is associated with a less efficient labor allocation in former East Germany. Controlling for the heterogeneity among German federal states, we perform spatial regression on official firm-level data AFiDrevealing that the regional differences in allocative efficiency are significantly associated with trade openness, competitive intensity, economies of scale and labor mobility. Two decades after the inception of open access publishing OAits impact has remained a focal point in academic discourse. This study adopted a disruptive innovation framework to examine OA's influence on the traditional subscription market. It assesses the market power of gold journals OA full adopters in comparison with hybrid journals and closed-access journals partial adopters and non-adopters. Additionally, it contrasts the market power between hybrid journals partial adopters and closed-access journals non-adopters. Using the Lerner index to measure market power through price elasticity of demand, this study employs difference tests and multiple regressions. These findings indicate that OA full adopters disrupt the market power of non-adopting incumbents. However, by integrating the OA option into their business models, partial adopters can effectively mitigate this disruption and expand their influence from the traditional subscription market to the emerging OA paradigm. In our study, we examine how category density affects entrepreneurs? We test our hypotheses by focusing on bands in the British metal music industry. Our findings indicate that increased category density reduces the degree of category spanning, but this effect is attenuated by increased category fuzziness and an increase in the number of new ventures founded in the same market. Regional density has no moderating effect, but its positive main effect points to the independence of the effects of categorical and regional density on category spanning. Our findings facilitate theory building regarding the antecedents of category spanning and the evolution of the categorical system of markets. Our knowledge graph-based approach to explainable process analyses represents a hybrid AI approach that integrates symbolic approaches of structured knowledge and interactive machine learning methods for making algorithmic procedures traceable and representing analysis results in a human-readable form. In order to display identified weaknesses and suitable improvement measures of analyzed business processes in a user-understandable way and to enable human-in-the-loop interactions, an explainable, user-friendly interface is required. While much attention is paid to the computational aspects of generating explanations, there is a need for further research into the design of explanation user interfaces. A systematic literature review was conducted to derive a design catalog, which was demonstrated and evaluated by developing a suitable XUI for our knowledge graph-based explainable process analysis. Wiederholt wurde festgestellt, dass soziale Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit bisher vernachlässigt sind. Ein wichtiger Teilaspekt betrifft die Akzeptanz für nachhaltige Lösungen, wobei in Unternehmen Geschäftsprozesse eine herausragende Rolle spielen. Daher identifiziert unsere Forschung Faktoren, die Prozessakzeptanz beeinflussen. Dazu wurde ein Einkaufsprozess so implementiert, dass er online durch Teilnehmer ausführbar ist. Die Studien zeigen, dass ein Online-Experiment mit mehreren Hundert Teilnehmern in kurzer Zeit weltweit durchgeführt werden kann und aussagekräftige Ergebnisse liefert. Die Entwicklung und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Dienstleistungen gilt als eines der prioritären Forschungsfelder des Dienstleistungsmarketings. Allerdings ist es gerade für Dienstleistungsunternehmen deutlich herausfordernder, Drung Gay Porn Passed Out Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen gegenüber Kunden zu vermitteln. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwiefern das individuelle Kognitionsbedürfnis von Nachfragern die Auseinandersetzung mit Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten im Dienstleistungskontext beeinflusst. Der Beitrag entwickelt ein konzeptionelles Modell, zugehörige Hypothesen und Implikationen für die weiterführende Forschung. This comprehensive review of ex post merger studies assesses the price effects of horizontal transactions to determine whether there are common post-merger price effects, both overall and in specific markets. The aim is to derive implications for policy makers and competition authorities in terms of effective merger enforcement and competition policy. By combining and further analysing the results of 52 retrospective studies on 82 mergers or horizontal transactions, it can be shown that the sector in which the respective transaction takes place alone is not a strong indicator of the direction of price-related merger effects. Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht den Prozess der frame-building in Bezug auf den Klimawandel in Indonesien, einer aufstrebenden Nation des Globalen Südens, die erheblich zu den Kohlenstoffemissionen beiträgt und stark von der Klimakrise betroffen ist. Anhand einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse von Pressemitteilungen der indonesischen Regierung und von Umwelt-NGOs sowie der Medienberichterstattung über den Klimawandel ermittelt die Studie, welche Art von Frames die politischen Akteure nutzen und welche Frames die Print- und Online-Medien in Indonesien verwenden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde der Ansatz der Process tracing approach verwendet. Durch den Vergleich der strategischen Frames der Akteure und der Medien-Frames zum Klimawandel zeigt sich, dass Journalisten häufig Frames zum Klimawandel verwenden, die nicht von politischen Akteuren oder NGOs gefördert werden. Nichtsdestotrotz sind die Pressemitteilungen der Regierung die einflussreichsten Quellen für Journalisten in ihrer Berichterstattung über den Klimawandel. Die Studie stützt sich auf die Modelle der Einflusshierarchie HI und der Intereffikation IEum diese Dynamik zu ergründen. Es wurden Interviews mit Journalisten, Wissenschaftlern und PR-Verantwortlichen von Regierungsorganisationen, Umwelt-NGOs und Palmöl-Lobbygruppen in Indonesien Drung Gay Porn Passed Out. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Organisationsstruktur, die finanziellen Ressourcen und die persönlichen Netzwerke einen Einfluss darauf haben, wie erfolgreich PR-Verantwortliche ihre Frames verbreiten, während die Auswahl der Frames durch die Medienplattform, den internationalen Nachrichtenfluss, die Routine, die Berufserfahrung und die Interessen der Journalisten beeinflusst werden.
Definition von straight
Kray’s (Kristen) Book Club (@kraysbookclub) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos EFRC has a tradition of nearly 30 years. Collecting the hottest gay erotica from ten authors, the Ultimate Gay Sampler has something for everyone - from erotic to romantic, from soldiers to doctors. With the first European Feminist Research Conference (EFRC) in , the. Publications | Technische Universität IlmenauAlle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen. The development and use of digital twins accelerate the digital transformation process and increase the competitiveness of the German economy. Based on a brief review of the literature as well as the studies in this issue, we argue that the pandemic has sparked significant methodological innovations with respect to design, data collection, study documentation, and scholarly collaboration. The study highlights the prevalence of age-related stereotypes in avatar-based communication. Aktuelle Daten für Deutschland fehlen jedoch. Producing cross-border journalistic content.
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Follower, Gefolgt, Beiträge - Kiss The Sky Records (@kisstheskyrecords) auf Instagram: „ First St Batavia, IL established in “. Collecting the hottest gay erotica from ten authors, the Ultimate Gay Sampler has something for everyone - from erotic to romantic, from soldiers to doctors. If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are normal and conventional, for example in their opinions and in the way they live. EFRC has a tradition of nearly 30 years. With the first European Feminist Research Conference (EFRC) in , the.Would've been better if the wife wasn't in it! Bitte versuche es noch einmal. Only health-related societal concerns were influenced by the perceived issue salience in the media. Hindi Englisch zu Hindi. Due to the possibility of merit-driven paths to market power positions especially disruptive innovations , market power is difficult to prohibit — despite its welfare-reducing effects within the affected markets anticompetitive effects and in other parts of the economy and society rent-seeking, lobbying, distributional issues. Additionally, current approaches mainly focus on sky and ground separation and do not incorporate valuable information provided by weather conditions and cloud coverage. Beantwortet werden sollten zwei Forschungsfragen: Welche etablierten journalistischen Qualitätskriterien QK erfüllt bzw. Alle Details anzeigen. Our results indicate that adding eye and face tracking can be beneficial for certain enfacement scales belonged , and we confirm that compared to a cartoon avatar, a scanned realistic avatar results in higher body ownership and increased enfacement own face, belonging, mirror - regardless of eye and face tracking. We distinguish two types of innovations, both conceptualized as the outcome of an unprecedented external shock. External funding is an important yet understudied area of inquiry in crisis communication research. Ein Verfahren, dass für alle Eigenschaften und Ziele die besten Ergebnisse erzeugt, konnte nicht gefunden werden. Welche Qualitätsunterschiede gibt es in der SKM-Berichterstattung zwischen Qualitäts- und Boulevardpresse F2? We find gender differences in the coverage of certain policy issues, with major imbalances explained by societal factors. Our results indicate an effect of the rendering style and the type of movement on the subjective perception of the agents behaving in an AR environment. This article examines the growing trend of NFL players to forego participation in the league's yearly All-Star exhibition game, the Pro Bowl. Adverb B1 If you go straight to a place, you go there immediately. This work-in-progress paper introduces the developed system prototype and outlines the conducted user study. See straight off. In this paper, we tackle this research gap by focusing on a national music contest in Germany and investigating how pre-contest popularity of the participating artists influences the final voting results. It was everything I had hoped for. More specifically, it is the ability of companies to overcome barriers to entry and exit as well as to expansion on markets. Findings showed that the requirements stipulated by universities for professorial positions have become increasingly differentiated and measurable over time. Frame elements include problem and benefit, causal interpretation, moral evaluation and solution on climate change whereas frame dimensions include scientific dimension, economic dimension as well as environmental and social dimensions. Synonyme: immediately , directly , promptly , instantly Weitere Synonyme von straight. Similarly, participants favored younger high-realism avatars for self-representation in social AR RQ2. Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht den Prozess der frame-building in Bezug auf den Klimawandel in Indonesien, einer aufstrebenden Nation des Globalen Südens, die erheblich zu den Kohlenstoffemissionen beiträgt und stark von der Klimakrise betroffen ist. In doing so, the editors first elaborate the history and development of cross-border journalism, enumerate various terms and concepts, and emphasize the relevance of the topic. Insbesondere das Verständnis jüngster Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Wettbewerb und Regulierung, die eine stärker industriepolitische und geostrategische Ausrichtung beinhalten, kann von einer politökonomischen Perspektive profitieren. Despite the life-threatening danger that calls the angel to his side, the two of them make time to get to know each other very well indeed.