Politisch motivierte Anklage exemplarisch für Kreuzzug gegen Nonkonformismus. Tötungen, Entführungen, Folter, sexuelle Gewalt durch bewaffnete Gruppen. Trotz Fortschritten bleiben LGBT-Personen in Katar in Gefahr. Isolation und fehlende Unterstützung gefährden junge Menschen. Entführungen und Verhör zeigen brutale Absichten. Präsident sollte Folter-Untersuchungen sofort verbieten. Gleichsetzung von Pädophilie mit sexueller und geschlechtlicher Vielfalt ist falsch, diskriminierend und stigmatisierend. Behörden gehen ungestraft gegen Kritiker vor und zerstören bürgerliche Freiräume. Überprüfungen verletzen Rechte, ruinieren Leben. Länder Afrika All Afrika. Burkina Faso. Demokratische Republik Kongo. Asien All Asien. China Eu Petition Chechny Gay Tibet. Europa und Zentralasien All Europa und Zentralasien. Bosnien und Herzegowina. Europäische Union. Serbien und Kosovo. Naher Osten und Nordafrika All Naher Osten und Nordafrika. Vereinigte Arabische Emirate. Nord- und Südamerika All Nord- und Südamerika. USA All USA. Armut und Ungleichheit. Rassismus und Diskriminierung. Themen Waffen. Krisen und Konflikte. Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen. Umwelt und Menschenrechte. Rechte älterer Menschen. Internationale Justiz. Vereinte Nationen. Über uns Karriere. Über Human Rights Watch. Jetzt Spenden. Deutsch Choose your language. More Languages. Would you like to read this page in another language? Ja Nein, nicht wieder fragen. Juni 20, Meldungen. März 28, Pressemitteilung. November 25, Meldungen.
We are all convinced that close cooperation with the local authorities can bring important benefits to our efforts to combat poverty in the world and I am confident that this process can be further improved through our joint efforts. On the ground, it is local authorities that are best placed to find solutions. Moreover, the Community strategy guidelines on cohesion adopted by the Council last October include a specific chapter on the territorial dimension of cohesion policy. In this respect, I also warmly welcome the proposal to set up an international monitoring centre for local democracy and decentralisation to monitor the progress of the involvement of local authorities in both the implementation of projects and in the elaboration of development policies. On July 26, authorities charged LGBTI activist Evdokia Romanova of Samara under the law. Gleichsetzung von Pädophilie mit sexueller und geschlechtlicher Vielfalt ist falsch, diskriminierend und stigmatisierend.
Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2017 - Russia
The basis for the Annual Policy Report is provided by the Annual Report on. petition signed by two million persons calling for an investigation into the torture of gay men in Chechnya. Migration and Asylum in Austria – Contribution to. Tschetschenien: Kampagne gegen schwule Männer nimmt kein Ende Campaigners protest for LGBT rights in Chechnya outside the Russian embassy in London, Britain. Over , people signed our petition and we collected over heartbreaking stories of people's own experiences of anit-LGBTQIA+ actions in. Authorities charged the activists with an.Unable to compete with the modern vessels of the EU, these people sought work elsewhere, and the Canary Islands began to experience the trauma of massive illegal immigration. Actually, island people are by nature resourceful. Physical abuse and hazing, which in some cases resulted in death, continued to be a problem in the armed forces. We therefore call upon the Commission, the Member States and the Council, in addition to specific measures to alleviate these disadvantages, to provide help and offer understanding in relation to this special situation. On September 9, independent journalist Yuliya Latynina announced she had left the country after suffering a string of attacks. NGOs reported authorities provided some services to Ukrainian asylum seekers, but there were instances in which applicants from other countries were denied the same service. Member States must not overlook the need to provide effective measures to preserve the unique characteristics of island regions in terms of protection of the environment and cultural heritage and promotion of the sustainable development of tourism, which also affects the growth of other important sectors such as trade, fishery, and agriculture. There were continued problems with recruits medically unfit for duty being forced to enter into the army. All the members of the Committee are here to obtain our support. I therefore voted in favour, but I would like our debate on these issues to move towards a broader view of the form our relations with our southern neighbours should take. In its annual report released in February, Amnesty International noted that during the year the ECHR found in 12 cases of prisoners being subjected to torture or other mistreatment through failure to provide adequate medical care in prisons and pretrial detention centers. I have experienced these problems myself and know how complex they are. That is why last week in Marseilles — this is information that I wanted to make public and to pass on to you — an international organisation of regions was set up. The EU joined in the boycott and also suspended its financial aid, so exacerbating the already serious humanitarian situation with which the Palestinian people is confronted as a result of Israeli occupation and aggression. In clashes between residents of a Romani settlement in Tula and riot police over access to a gas pipeline led to the demolition of Romani homes that authorities ruled to be illegal settlements. Moreover, it would not even be a completely new one. According to Human Rights Watch, while authorities inspected a wide range of designated civil society groups from nearly every region of the country, groups that were warned, fined, or prosecuted generally were those active in areas such as election monitoring, human rights advocacy, anticorruption work, and environmental protection. With the exception of Ukrainians, GAMI approved a small percentage of applications for refugee status and temporary asylum. Employers may not request overtime work from pregnant women, workers under the age of 18, and other categories of employees specified by federal laws. Filip Kaczmarek PPE-DE , in writing. The report noted that, to that date, there had been no violent anti-Semitic attacks. Special attention should also be paid to islands that are a long way from large population centres, which have great difficulties in accessing services, even basic ones, by developing an EU maritime policy that is able to establish stable economic and commercial relations with bordering countries. Local militants engaged in isolated violent acts against local security forces, at times resulting in deaths. NGO activities and international humanitarian assistance in the North Caucasus were severely restricted. I regret the fact that it has not yet been made legally binding, although it has become a reference text for the activities of the European institutions and for the European judiciary, as in the case of the Court of Justice. We feel that this resolution represents an abuse of procedure. The law forbids officials from entering a private residence except in cases prescribed by federal law or when authorized by a judicial decision. Finally, in many Euro-Mediterranean regions, there is no effective transport system, Information Technology is still insufficiently developed and the telecommunications modernisation is still some way off. Human Rights Watch reported that at least 95 percent of children living in orphanages and foster care had at least one living parent, although children with disabilities who entered institutions at a young age were unlikely to return to their birth families, mostly due to the practice of local-level state commissions recommending continued institutionalization of children. Jörg Leichtfried PSE , in writing. It calls for action to be stepped up, in other words for blatant intervention by the imperialist European Union in the internal affairs of the countries of the south and southeast Mediterranean, to be targeted at all aspects of the social, economic and political life of these countries. I voted for this resolution.