Rafael de la Dehesa focuses on the ways that LGBT activists have engaged with the state, particularly in alliance with political parties and through government health agencies in the wake of the AIDS crisis. He examines this engagement against the backdrop of the broader political transitions to democracy, the neoliberal transformation of state—civil society relations, and the gradual consolidation of sexual rights at the international level. His comparison highlights similarities between sexual rights movements in Mexico and Brazil, including a convergence on legislative priorities such as antidiscrimination laws and the legal recognition of same-sex couples. At the same time, de la Brazilian Bears Perfeckt Gay points to notable differences in the tactics deployed by activists and the coalitions brought to bear on the state. De la Dehesa studied the archives of activists, social-movement organizations, political parties, religious institutions, legislatures, and state agencies, and he interviewed hundreds of individuals, not only LGBT activists, but also feminists, AIDS and human-rights activists, party militants, journalists, academics, and state officials. Queering the Public Sphere in Mexico and Brazil is a landmark examination of LGBT political mobilization. Rafael de la Dehesa is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work at the City University of New York, College of Staten Island. On 1 June Alfredo Cuarn, of Semiramis Street in Mexico City, directed a letter to Brazilian Bears Perfeckt Gay Adolfo Lpez Mateos. In the letter, requesting presidential intervention, Cuarn tells the chief executive of an encounter that his twenty-two-year-old son allegedly had with an older man on Puente de Alvarado Avenue. The letter alleges that the man, Manuel Rodrguez, offered his son a drink and, upon refusal, threatened him at knife point to go to his apartment. There Rodrguez allegedly showed him credentials as an agent of the presidency and threatened to have him jailed unless he consented to sexual relations. When informed by his son about the incident, he went to the man's house to investigate: "Several people informed me that this man is in the habit of taking men into his house, especially adolescents. He is a degenerate and a perfect corruptor of minors. The Secretariat of the Presidency filed the case as no. On 25 June a report was directed to the chief of the Secretariat's Department of Correspondence and Archives, "as [she had] ordered verbally. We can assume that he has become a diseased element [ elemento morboso ], given that he has not lost the virile tone in his voice. First, it notes, Rodrguez is an older man with a weak constitution, probably incapable of threatening a young man. Second, the street where the incident is said to have taken place was quite busy at the time it allegedly occurred. Finally, it recommends that a determination be made on whether to forward the case for further clarification to the appropriate authorities, on the assumption, that is, that Brazilian Bears Perfeckt Gay initial letter was in fact a pseudonymous complaint, given that the return address, Semiramis Street, did not exist. Manuel Rodrguez Lozano, the target of the complaint, belonged to a group of writers and artists who emerged in Mexico City in the s and s known as Los Contemporneos, named for their cultural magazineto which he contributed illustrations. Like the writers Salvador Novo, Xavier Villaurrutia, and others associated with the group, Rodrguez Lozano was among the first public figures in Mexico known for his homosexuality. Though not all of the luminaries associated with the group were homosexual, they were broadly caricatured as such in the burgeoning postrevolutionary artistic and literary public spheres. As the cultural critic Carlos Monsivais has argued, the new public visibility of their "dissident sexualities," in fact, became possible in the wake of the massive upheavals of the Mexican Revolution, which loosened societal restrictions and contributed to the expansion of el ambientethe semiclandestine Brazilian Bears Perfeckt Gay spaces "at the margins" of society described by Novo in his memoirs Monsivais; Irwin b. Monsivais has also noted the group's ambiguous relationship to the Revolution. While beholden to its secularizing impulses and modernizing ruptures with the past, they disdained its cultural nationalism, countering with a "proudly elitist" affirmation of presumably transcendent European artistic and literary traditions. They also flouted its cult of masculinity, which enshrined a New Man of unquestioned virility and a true love of "the people. Rodrguez Lozano gained prominence within the so-called countercurrents of Mexican painting, opposing Rivera's revolutionary nationalism with an art that, while also drawing on national themes, strived to be independent, universal, and above all modern Garca Gutirrez ; Rodrguez Lozano Based on the complaint and the report of the investigation, questions undoubtedly emerge about the veracity of the initial account, and the painter had once before been jailed on trumped-up charges Zamorano Navarro For the purposes of this discussion, what I would note about these documents is how they inscribe the artist into multiple fields of representation and how the practices enforcing sexual stigma in the case straddle a fairly porous boundary nominally dividing the public and private realms. 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