Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Frozen 2: Forest of Shadows. Kamilla Benko. Anna of Arendelle wants nothing more than to be helpful to her older sister, Elsa. But as far as Anna can see, ever since Elsa's coronation, her sister has been doing just fine without her. Die Eiskönigin Gay Por now, Elsa will be setting sail for a grand tour of the world--leaving Anna behind. But a mysterious sickness strikes Arendelle, and Elsa's tour is delayed, giving Anna the perfect opportunity to finally help. When Anna discovers a secret room in the castle and incants a magic spell, she hopes it will make her dream of curing the sickness come true. Instead, a more sinister dream comes to life. An original middle grade novel bridging the epic adventure of Frozen with the upcoming Walt Disney Animation Studios film Frozen 2. Genres Fantasy Middle Grade Young Adult Fiction Retellings Adventure Childrens Loading interface About the author. Kamilla Benko 8 books followers. Kamilla Benko spent most of her childhood climbing into wardrobes, trying to step through mirrors, and plotting to run away to an art museum. Originally from Indiana, she currently lives in New York with her bookshelves, teapot, and hiking boots. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. When a strange blight comes over the land and the animals fall into a deep sleep, Anna is convinced she can help find the cure. It needs to be done quickly because the food supply is in danger and Elsa will soon be departing on her grand tour. After Anna finds a magic door in the castle she never knew about, it leads her to a secret room where she finds magic books, herbs, and other mysterious items. The clue might be hidden within this room and Anna is convinced she can solve this mystery, but once a spell is cast, she finds herself and the entire kingdom of Arendelle in more danger than she could have ever imagined. What a delicious, magical adventure! I ended up purchasing the book to read with my daughters because we are huge Frozen fans. We all ended up enjoying it—even my year-old. As an adult, I often find that some middle-grade books tend to drag in parts which affects my interest levels during reading. Olaf, Kristoff, and Oaken were hilarious, and it was nice that the author put in some fresh characters too. I have no doubt that if this story were the actual new Frozen 2 film, it would be a huge success. One of my favorite aspects of Frozen is the family theme; I love the caring sister relationship between Anna and Elsa. The heart of the story really revolves around Anna. I loved that true love came into play as in the original film, but also the message of facing your fears and accepting them. There are so many wonderful, positive messages in the book. If you have children in Die Eiskönigin Gay Por home who love Frozendefinitely check out this book. He amado por completo este libro. Mavis Ros.
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