WHY DO I FEEL DIFFERENT? Why do I feel all fuzzy and weird when I look at that guy? Why don't I feel the same way when I look at girls? This question has gone through millions of gay boys' heads since, well, forever! The fuzzy feeling can pop up like an unexpected boner more on those to come and can go away just as fast. Just remember that it's okay, it's normal, and it's not something you need to change. Let's call that feeling a "tingle. Yes, my first crush was on a cartoon character. At least he was human! Princess Jasmine, his love interest, was just an annoying bystander to me. I was incredibly envious of her because she got to hug and kiss my Arabian prince. Aladdin had gorgeous olive skin, wavy black hair, and a cheeky boy-next-door smile. I was mesmerised. I didn't know it then, but a baby gay was born that day. Figuring out if you're gay isn't a complicated scientific process — it simply comes down to how you feel. Only YOU can know what's going on inside your head. Being attracted to someone of the same sex doesn't necessarily mean you're gay or bi. Maybe you just admire their talents or their personality. Even though I'm super gay, I was obsessed with one of my first teachers, Miss Donovan. Her hair was always perfect, she was so friendly, and she smelled of what I now know is Burberry Weekend perfume. Sometimes I shock myself with how wonderfully gay I am. What other male student would have been able to pinpoint a perfume brand at the age of ten? Being gay really is a superpower. I thought I had a crush on Miss Donovan, but it turned out I just idolized her — I didn't have romantic feelings for her. So try not to jump to any conclusions about your sexuality. Allow yourself time to feel different Gay Erwachsene Schmusen Mit Boys Tube and don't shut any Gay Erwachsene Schmusen Mit Boys Tube them out. If you find your eyes wandering and looking at other boys, then let them. If they wander and look at girls too, that's cool. Allow yourself to fantasize about being close to the person who has caught your eye and see how it feels. Eventually you'll know what feels natural for you. Maybe you're attracted to men, or women, or men and women, or non-binary people. Or maybe you don't have sexual feelings for anyone. However you feel, it's valid. If you've realized you're probably not straight, then you've reached what I like to call the PCO or Pre-Coming-Out stage. This is one of the most important stages of your journey — the moment you have to say the words you may have been afraid of to yourself: "I am gay. My PCO took about four years. I tried to trick myself into being straight by thinking about boobs nonstop and ignoring guys who were totally stunning and, in hindsight, deserved my undivided gay attention. There's one thing I now know for sure: no matter how hard you try and fight it, YOU CANNOT CHANGE WHO YOU ARE. The longer you try to suppress the real you, the longer and harder your PCO will be. One thing that holds many people back is the fear that once they come out, they'll have to start acting like the stereotypes of gay characters you see on TV. I am here to tell you that's not the case unless that's who you naturally are, in which case shine baby, shine!
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